Alex Fraundorf

Thanks for visiting my website. Most of this site is about my profession as a freelance web developer, but I don't think we can truly compartmentalize all the different areas of our life, so some of my personal life is described here, and on my old abandoned blog, as well.

Web Development & Programming

Okay, down to business. I am a full stack freelance web developer and owner of Snap Programming and Development LLC.
While I am competent in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL, what I really like to do is write PHP, especially using the Laravel framework with Livewire.
If you need help from a competent Laravel developer on your project, you should hire me!
I am currently booking projects for April, May 2025 and beyond.
Usually I am able to provide project bids and do small work (1 hour or less) the same week.

Specialties Include:

  • Custom Object Orientated PHP Functionality
  • API Integration
  • Relational Database Design and Migration
  • Use of Modern Development Tools such as Git, PHPUnit and Composer
  • Comfortable with Linux Command Line and Basic Server Administration Tasks
  • Shell Scripting in Bash/PHP and Automating Tasks with Cron Jobs
  • Competent with Multiple Frameworks and CMS Platforms
    • Extensive experience maintaining, debugging and modernizing custom/legacy platforms
    • Laravel (All new projects are being written in Laravel)
    • CodeIgniter 2 and 3 Support
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • JavaScript / jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Linux & Windows
In my spare time, I can be found hacking on a Raspberry Pi or Arduino using PHP, Python or Arduino C.

You can view my public code repositories at BitBucket and other open source contributions at Github.

Other Accomplishments

A few other activities of note.

Speaking Picture

PHP Speaker

I have spoken about PHP at the Madison PHP Conference and several meetups.
I enjoy sharing my knowledge and giving back to the open source community. Please contact me to schedule a speaking engagement.

Caption: I am talking about tightly coupled code and why its a bad thing.

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Fox Cities PHP Meetup Organizer

I was the lead organizer and frequent speaker at the former Fox Cities PHP Meetup.
Unfortunately, we disbanded in 2020 due to a lack of local interest.

Sitepoint Logo

Published SitePoint Author

I have had multiple articles published on SitePoint's PHP channel and continue to write occasionally on my blog.

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Book Reviewer

I have reviewed several web technology books for Packt Publishing.

Contact Me

Question, comment or just want to say hello. Real humans only please.